
CSUDH Winter Session 2025 Registration starts October 22, 2024. View the Winter Schedule below ▼

Which Winter courses fulfill GE requirements?

  View General Education Requirement Fulfilling Courses List ►

Please note that courses and schedules are subject to change. We encourage you to check back for updated information on a regular basis before classes begin.


Winter Intersession: Course Descriptions & Details

Following are classes to be offered during the upcoming Winter Session.
 Please check back often for updates to this and to the schedule page:

A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z


  AFS 310-41 African Diaspora in the United States (3)   Asynchronous Online

The purpose of this course is to explore the social, political, economic and cultural environment of the Africana community in the United States. In addition, students will examine the influence of race on Africana people’s social and historical development. Course content seeks to investigate how the Africana community in the United States has advanced and shaped the social and political landscape of the nation. The course also focuses on the modes in which the Africana community in the United State establishes and maintains its cultural space.

Dates: 12/20/24—1/15/25
Days: online
Times: online
Location: online
Instructor: Faraji
Fee: $954
CRN: 18162

  AFS 333-41 Black Movements of the Sixties (3)   Asynchronous Online

Explores the dismantling of the overt practice of segregation by exploring the roles of the Civil Rights Movement and the Black Power Movement, as well as the literature, art and music which contributed to their vitality.

Dates: 12/20/24—1/15/25
Days: online
Times: online
Location: online
Instructor: Fisher
Fee: $954
CRN: 18163

  AFS 334-41 African Culture and Art (3)   Asynchronous Online

Examines the historical and contemporary manifestations of the sacred and secular continuum in African Diaspora Arts and Religion. Will study examples of music, dance, drama, literature and visual arts expressions of religion and theological values.

Dates: 12/20/24—1/15/25
Days: online
Times: online
Location: online
Instructor: Mwesigire
Fee: $954
CRN: 18164

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  ANT 371-41 Historical and Cultural Perspectives in Disability Studies (3)   Asynchronous Online

Theoretical and historical perspectives on issues pertaining to disability studies/research. The course explores cultural concepts of "normalcy" and "disability" and reviews ethnographic contexts of disability in a variety of communities in the United States and the world.

Dates: 12/20/24—1/15/25
Days: online
Times: online
Location: online
Instructor: Armstrong
Fee: $954
CRN: 18183

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  APP 101-41 Introduction to Asian Studies (3)   Asynchronous Online

Explores the lived experiences of three Ethnic/Global communities in the United States and their place of origin. Examines the socio-cultural dynamics of Africana, Asian-Pacific and Chicano/Latino communities.

Dates: 12/20/24—1/15/25
Days: online
Times: online
Location: online
Instructor: Daily
Fee: $954
CRN: 18154

  APP 325-41 Introduction to Comparative Ethnic and Global Societies (3)   Asynchronous Online

Examination of diverse Asian Pacific cultures and history through art, music, and written and oral literatures. Analyzes the contributions of past and present artists, musicians/composers, and writers to the establishment and challenging of cultural identities in a globalized and mass-mediated world.

Dates: 12/20/24—1/15/25
Days: online
Times: online
Location: online
Instructor: Lacanlale
Fee: $954
CRN: 18155

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  ART 100-41 Looking at Art (3)   Asynchronous Online

Learning to perceive art through discussion of selected historical periods, development of a descriptive vocabulary, and observation of actual works of art. Introduction to theories of interpretation and evaluation.

Dates: 12/20/24—1/15/25
Days: online
Times: online
Location: online
Instructor: Scarborough
Fee: $954
CRN: 18165

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  BUS 301-41 Employment Communications (1)   Live Online

Prerequisite: ENG 111
The course introduces tools and techniques that are used to produce effective business communication, both oral and written. You will learn specific skills that can be used in the business world to convey thoughts, ideas and recommendations to coworkers and superiors, while enhancing your professional image and chances for future success. Emphasis will be placed on the job packet: resumes cover letters, references and thank you letters.

Dates: 12/20/24—1/02/25
Days: T-Th
Times: 1:00pm—4:30pm
Location: online
Instructor: Sheu
Fee: $318
CRN: 18215

  BUS 302-41 Written Communications (1)   Live Online

Prerequisite: ENG 111
The course introduces tools and techniques that are used to produce effective business communication, both oral and written. You will learn specific skills that can be used in the business world to convey thoughts, ideas and recommendations to coworkers and superiors, while enhancing your professional image and chances for future success. Emphasis will be placed on drafting, revising and polishing professional business documents.

Dates: 1/3/25—1/15/25
Days: T-Th
Times: 1-4:30pm
Location: online
Instructor: Williams
Fee: $318
CRN: 18211

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  CHE 102-41 Chemistry for the Citizen (3)   Asynchronous Online

A non-mathematical treatment of the basic principles of chemistry and their application to various facets of life in a highly technological society.
Note: Please contact Dr. Sturm via e-mail at for more information.

Dates: 12/20/24—1/15/25
Days: online
Times: online
Location: online
Instructor: Sturm
Fee: $954
CRN: 18184

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  CHS 125-41 Chicano/Latino Musical Cultures (3)   Asynchronous Online

The course examines musical expressions of Chicano and Latino peoples in the present geographical boundaries of the United States. The course emphasizes the intercultural dynamics in the formation of Chicano and Latino music which incorporates African, American, Native American, and European roots.

Dates: 12/20/24—1/15/25
Days: online
Times: online
Location: online
Instructor: Cantero
Fee: $954
CRN: 18204

  CHS 323-41 U.S. Immigration Citizenship: A Latino Perspective (3)   Asynchronous Online

The course seeks to understand some of the issues which concern Mexican/Latino immigrant people, specifically Mexican and Central American groups, in efforts to bring awareness to this human crisis and explore some of its effects on the U.S. Latino community.
Note: Meets the same requirement as SBS 318.

Dates: 12/20/24—1/15/25
Days: online
Times: online
Location: online
Instructor: Gutierrez
Fee: $954
CRN: 18205

  CHS 330-41 Mexican and Latina/o Identities in the U.S. (3)   Asynchronous Online

The course broadens the social, cultural, and political scope of Chicano and Latino communities in the United States which include Puerto Rican, Cuban, Caribbean, and Central and South American peoples. the historical experiences of these diverse communities will be examined.

Dates: 12/20/24—1/15/25
Days: online
Times: online
Location: online
Instructor: Gutierrez
Fee: $954
CRN: 18205

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  COM 100-41 Media and Society (3)   Asynchronous Online

A critical overview of media culture including newspapers, magazines, film, radio, television, popular music, advertising, public relations, and the Internet. Focuses on building critical media literacy skills by developing a concrete understanding of media history, media analysis, the structure of media industries and their major players and products.

Dates: 12/20/24—1/15/25
Days: online
Times: online
Location: online
Instructor: Cheever
Fee: $954
CRN: 18212

  COM 350-41 Culture, Gender and Strategic Communication (3)   Asynchronous Online

Prerequisite: COM 100
Improve the understanding of cultural differences and assumptions regarding gender in the context of strategic communication. An overview of major communication theories, strategies, methods, and practices in advertising and public relations campaigns will be covered. Develop advertising skills and public relations messages based on cultural aspects in strategic communication.

Dates: 12/20/24—1/15/25
Days: online
Times: online
Location: online
Instructor: Hernandez
Fee: $954
CRN: 18213

  COM 365-41 Introduction to Public Relations (3)   Asynchronous Online

Public relations practices and principles as applied to government, education and industry.

Dates: 12/20/24—1/15/25
Days: online
Times: online
Location: online
Instructor: De La Serna
Fee: $954
CRN: 18214

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  CIS 270-41 Information Systems & Technology Fundamentals (3)   Asynchronous Online

Provides an introduction to information technology, systems concepts, and application software. Covers system components and relationships, cost/value and quality of information, and package software solutions. Includes basic skills related to operating systems, word processing, spreadsheet software, and the Internet

Dates: 12/20/24—1/15/25
Days: online
Times: online
Location: online
Instructor: Eyadat
Fee: $954
CRN: 18209

  CIS 275-41 Internet Literacy (3)   Asynchronous Online

Prerequisites: CIS 270 or CIS 111 or CIS 121 is recommended
Digital skills and concepts needed for success in the Internet era as a student, professional, and lifelong learner. Concepts pertaining to Internet technology and applications and their implications for key relationships of human kind to the social and physical environment. Skills using and developing Internet applications in everyday life.

Dates: 12/20/24—1/15/25
Days: online
Times: online
Location: online
Instructor: Chiwen
Fee: $954
CRN: 18210

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  DAN 130-41 Global Dance Perceptions (3)   Asynchronous Online

Introduction to dance in America through viewing of dance films, videotapes and live performances. Applications of aesthetic perception and criticism skills to determine artistic value of ballet, modern, jazz and tap dance performances.

Dates: 12/20/24—1/15/25
Days: online
Times: online
Location: online
Instructor: Hendrix
Fee: $954
CRN: 18156

  DAN 440-41 Dance for Children (3)   Asynchronous Online

Study of developmentally appropriate creative movement experiences for children. Examination of teaching methodology designed to develop founational movement skills, artistic exploration of movement elements, improvisational techniques, imagination and creativity, and how these learning activities can be taught across the curriculum.

Dates: 12/20/24—1/15/25
Days: online
Times: online
Location: online
Instructor: Carreon
Fee: $954
CRN: 18157

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  EAR 101-41 Physical Geology Laboratory (1)   On Campus

Prerequisite: Concurrent enrollment in EAR 100 is recommended
Volcanoes, earthquakes, oceanic processes and continental drift. Rock and mineral identification is enhanced by concurrent enrollment in EAR 101. Meets certain general studies requirements, is fundamental to the Geology major, and has wide-ranging applications in art, commerce, public policy, and science. Field Trip.

Dates: 12/20/24—1/15/25
Days: M-T-W-Th
Times: 8:30am-12:15pm
Location: NSM B234
Instructor: Cummings
Fee: $318
CRN: 18202

  EAR 312-35 Natural Disasters (3)   Hybrid On-Campus/Online

Prerequisite: Completion of lower division General Education
Examines the impact of natural events on human activities and vice versa. Mankind's uneasy relationship with atmosphere, oceans and not-so-solid Earth. Examines the study of earthquakes, volcanoes, floods, landslides, tsunamis, climate change, hurricanes, tornadoes, and wildfires.

Dates: 12/20/24—1/15/25
Days: MWF + online
Times: 6:00PM-9:00PM + online
Location: NSM C-221 + online
Instructor: Keyantash
Fee: $954
CRN: 18203

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  ECO 210-41 Economic Theory 1A (Microeconomics) (3)   Asynchronous Online

This class is about analyzing and understanding individual consumers and firm behavior, so we answer questions like how consumers react to changes in prices and preferences and how firms make decisions about what price to charge for their goods and whether or not to stay in business. Put together, we can analyze markets for food, textbooks, illegal music downloads, educational services, etc.

Dates: 12/20/24—1/15/25
Days: online
Times: online
Location: online
Instructor: Martinez
Fee: $954
CRN: 18152

  ECO 211-41 Economic Theory 1B (Macroeconomics) (3)   Asynchronous Online

Introductory macroeconomic theory; national income accounting, national income determination, monetary and fiscal policy.

Dates: 12/20/24—1/15/25
Days: online
Times: online
Location: online
Instructor: El Hag
Fee: $954
CRN: 18153

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  HIS 101-41 History of the United States (3)   Asynchronous Online

A study of the ideals, creeds, institutions, and behavior of the peoples of the United States . Meets the State requirement in U.S. History.

Dates: 12/20/24—1/15/25
Days: online
Times: online
Location: online
Instructor: Kovalesky
Fee: $954
CRN: 18166

  HIS 121-41 World History II (3)   Asynchronous Online

Explores the regional and global interactions and exchanges that have shaped the world since 1500. Treats the major demographic, socio-economic, cultureal and political patterns and changes that distinguish the modern period in world history.

Dates: 12/20/24—1/15/25
Days: online
Times: online
Location: online
Instructor: O'Mara
Fee: $954
CRN: 18167

  HIS 354-41 History of American Immigration (3)   Asynchronous Online

Historical trends, movements, and patterns of global immigration to the United States . Topics of study include: motives for immigration; anti-immigration sentiments and activities; legal and political responses; role of distinctive cultural groups; assimilation and nonconformity.

Dates: 12/20/24—1/15/25
Days: online
Times: online
Location: online
Instructor: Johnson
Fee: $954
CRN: 18168

  HIS 376-01 Film as History (3)   Asynchronous Online

The historical analysis of films as manuscripts and source materials for social and intellectual thought in the twentieth century. Emphasis to vary from semester to semester, for example: Film as History: The Great Depression; or Film as History: Latin America.

Dates: 12/20/24—1/15/25
Days: online
Times: online
Location: online
Instructor: Yoon
Fee: $954
CRN: 18169

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  HUM 300-41 Health Humanities (3)   Asynchronous Online

Prerequisite: Completion of lower division Humanities requirements.
Health Humanities bridges the arts, humanities, and sciences in studying representations of health and illness. Students will gain a multicultural understanding of perceptions of health practices and practitioners. Topics include self-mutilation (cutting), race and medicine, cancer, music therapy, cloning, aging, and poetry and healing.

Dates: 12/20/24—1/15/25
Days: online
Times: online
Location: online
Instructor: Fitzsimmons
Fee: $954
CRN: 18160

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  IDS 326-41 Perspectives in Human Studies (3)   Asynchronous Online

From an interdisciplinary perspective, this class will examine the intersections of race and popular culture. By doing so, this course will explore how novels, television, movies, cartoons, magazines, advertising, etc. emerge as important sites of racial meaning in the 20th century. Such an exploration allows for critical insight into the dynamics and structures of power and the significance of race in the United States.

Dates: 12/20/24—1/15/25
Days: online
Times: online
Location: online
Instructor: Perez
Fee: $954
CRN: 18217

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  KIN 300-41 Tests and Measurements in Physical Education (3)   Asynchronous Online

Prerequisites: Fulfillment of ELM requirement
Analysis, evaluation, interpretation, and use of tests and other assessment methods in physical education. Application of statistical procedures. Fee required.

Dates: 1/2/25—1/15/25
Days: online
Times: online
Location: online
Instructor: Ernst
Fee: $954
CRN: 18185

  KIN 330-01 Sport and Exercise Psychology (3)   On Campus

Prerequisite: PSY 101
Study of the nature of the human being as a continuum of body, mind and spirit integration. Examination of how the areas of anatomy, physiology, kinesiology, sociology, psychology, and spirituality fuse and the idea of a holistic lifestyle emerges.

Dates: 1/2/25—1/15/25
Days: T-W-Th-F
Times: 8:30am—1:15pm
Location: CHA 227
Instructor: Hancock
Fee: $954
CRN: 18186

  KIN 462-01 Therapeutic Exercise (lecture) (3)   On Campus

Prerequisite: BIO 250, KIN 362, KIN 363, KIN 375
A theoretical and clinical basis for implementation and intervention of therapeutic exercise; understanding the basic principles and effects of the variety of therapeutic exercise techniques; and designing therapeutic exercise programs.

Dates: 1/2/25—1/15/25
Days: M-T-W-Th-F
Times: 8:00am—11:30am
Location: SBS A210
Instructor: Cheatham
Fee: $954
CRN: 18200

  KIN 462L-02 Therapeutic Exercise (lab) (3)   On Campus

Prerequisite: BIO 250, KIN 362, KIN 363, KIN 375
A theoretical and clinical basis for implementation and intervention of therapeutic exercise; understanding the basic principles and effects of the variety of therapeutic exercise techniques; and designing therapeutic exercise programs.

Dates: 1/2/24—1/15/25
Days: M-T-W-Th-F
Times: 11:45pm—1:00pm
Location: SAC 2105
Instructor: Cheatham
Fee: $0
CRN: 18201

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  LBR 310-41 Success and Values (3)   Asynchronous Online

Explores the various ways people and institutions in the Americas define success, with the underlying question, does one have to sacrifice one's values to achieve success.

Dates: 12/20/24—1/15/25
Days: online
Times: online
Location: online
Instructor: McGarvey
Fee: $954
CRN: 18170

  LBR 316-41 Working Class and Education (3)   Asynchronous Online

What is the purpose of education? What functions does it perform and whose interests does it advance? Investigation of education as a network of institutions operating differently on different classes, races and genders. Evaluation of its position in relation with economy and governance.

Dates: 12/20/24—1/15/25
Days: online
Times: online
Location: online
Instructor: McGarvey
Fee: $954
CRN: 18171

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  MAT 131-01 Elementary Statistics and Probability (3)   On Campus

Prerequisite: Fulfillment of ELM requirement
A practical course in probability and statistics including such topics as the binomial and normal distributions, confidence intervals, t, F, and chi-square tests, linear regression and correlation, and conditional probability. Satisfies the General Education Quantitative Reasoning Requirement.

Dates: 12/20/24—1/15/25
Days: M-T-W-Th-F
Times: 5:45—8:55pm
Location: SBS E116
Instructor: Perez
Fee: $954
CRN: 18161

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  MUS 302-41 African American Music (3)   Asynchronous Online

Introduction to the music of African Americans from roots in African cultural practice to current day. Musical genres include blues, spirituals, gospel, jazz, classical, R&B, soul, funk, hip-hop, rap, etc. the course is designed for music and non-music majors.

Dates: 12/20/24—1/15/25
Days: online
Times: online
Location: online
Instructor: Ojakovo
Fee: $954
CRN: 18207

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  PHI 120-41 Critical Thinking (3)   Asynchronous Online

Critical examination of perennial philosophical issues such as the nature of philosophy, the existence of God, free will, truth. Both Western and non-Western perspectives are discussed. Gives student understanding of his/her societal context. Essays as well as exams.

Dates: 12/20/24—1/15/25
Days: online
Times: online
Location: online
Instructor: Greenspan
Fee: $954
CRN: 18208

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  POL 101-41 American Institutions (3)   Asynchronous Online

A study of contemporary political institutions, with emphasis on the philosophy, structure, and behavior of the American political system, including the State of California. Meets State requirement in U.S. Constitution and California State and Local government.

Dates: 12/20/24—1/15/25
Days: online
Times: online
Location: online
Instructor: Russo
Fee: $954
CRN: 18172

  POL 101-42 American Institutions (3)   Asynchronous Online

A study of contemporary political institutions, with emphasis on the philosophy, structure, and behavior of the American political system, including the State of California. Meets State requirement in U.S. Constitution and California State and Local government.

Dates: 12/20/24—1/15/25
Days: online
Times: online
Location: online
Instructor: Hallenbrook
Fee: $954
CRN: 18173

  POL 101-43 American Institutions (3)   Asynchronous Online

A study of contemporary political institutions, with emphasis on the philosophy, structure, and behavior of the American political system, including the State of California. Meets State requirement in U.S. Constitution and California State and Local government.

Dates: 12/20/24—1/15/25
Days: online
Times: online
Location: online
Instructor: Labarre
Fee: $954
CRN: 18174

  POL 300-41 Quantitative Methods of Political Analysis (3)   Asynchronous Online

An introduction to the techniques of quantitative political analysis, including the design, execution and analysis of research.

Dates: 12/20/24—1/15/25
Days: online
Times: online
Location: online
Instructor: Chang
Fee: $954
CRN: 18175

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  PSY 101-41 General Studies Psychology: Understanding Human Behavior (3)   Asynchronous Online

An introduction to psychology emphasizing the personal, cognitive and social development and functioning of the individual, and the influence of both physiological and social factors. Consideration of basic concepts and applications.

Dates: 12/20/24—1/15/25
Days: online
Times: online
Location: online
Instructor: Merz
Fee: $954
CRN: 18218

  PSY 322-41 Cognitive Psychology (3)   Asynchronous Online

An introduction to theory and research in human information processing. Topics include attention, memory, neuro-cognition, mental representation, imagery, problem solving, reasoning, language, and other higher mental processes

Dates: 12/20/24—1/15/25
Days: online
Times: online
Location: online
Instructor: Staff
Fee: $954
CRN: 18187

  PSY 330-41 Intermediate Statistics and Research Design (3)   Asynchronous Online

Prerequisites: PSY 230 or MAT 131are required.
The applications of statistical techniques to problems in the behavioral sciences. Discussion of problems in hypothesis formulation, sampling techniques, distribution-free statistics, multivariate data analysis, and presentation of results.

Dates: 12/20/24—1/15/25
Days: online
Times: online
Location: online
Instructor: Reil
Fee: $954
CRN: 18216

  PSY 340-41 Social Psychology: Psychological Perspective (3)   Asynchronous Online

A broad survey of theories and research areas in social psychology, including such topics as aggression, prejudice, person perception, leadership and conformity.

Dates: 12/20/24—1/15/25
Days: online
Times: online
Location: online
Instructor: Staff
Fee: $954
CRN: 18188

  PSY 350-41 Child Psychology (3)   Asynchronous Online

The cognitive, psychological and social development of the child from birth to adolescence. Fieldwork at discretion of instructor.

Dates: 12/20/24—1/15/25
Days: online
Times: online
Location: online
Instructor: Hurtado-Ortiz
Fee: $954
CRN: 18222

  PSY 363-41 Abnormal Psychology (3)   Asynchronous Online

The causes and manifestations of abnormal behavior. Field study and case study.

Dates: 12/20/24—1/15/25
Days: online
Times: online
Location: online
Instructor: Victor
Fee: $954
CRN: 18189

  PSY 368-41 Human Sexuality (3)   Asynchronous Online

Course will cover the physiological and psychological aspects of human sexuality. The origin and treatment of sexual dysfunction will also be discussed.

Dates: 12/20/24—1/15/25
Days: online
Times: online
Location: online
Instructor: Paxton
Fee: $954
CRN: 18190

  PSY 464-41 Introduction to Clinical Psychology (3)   Asynchronous Online

Prerequisite: PSY 363
An overview of psychology in the clinical situation. The scope, ethics, theories and methods of clinical psychology.

Dates: 12/20/24—1/15/25
Days: online
Times: online
Location: online
Instructor: Staff
Fee: $954
CRN: 18191

  PSY 480-41 Sport Psychology (3)   Asynchronous Online

An in-depth analysis and application of psychological principles and research in motivation, psychophysiology, personality, cognition and emotion in sport settings.

Dates: 12/20/24—1/15/25
Days: online
Times: online
Location: online
Instructor: Staff
Fee: $954
CRN: 18192

  PSY 490-41 Senior Seminar (3)   Asynchronous Online

Prerequisites: PSY 230, PSY 235, and PSY 330 or PSY 331 and senior standing.
The theme of this course is Forensic and Legal psychology. We will be covering topics such as eyewitness memory, false confessions, lie detection, the insanity defense, the death penalty, etc. Senior seminar is designed to integrate previous work and experience by emphasizing the application of theoretical models and research designs and the relationship among theory, research, and the dissemination of research findings. This is a writing intense course, so you will be writing a 15-page research proposal.

Dates: 12/20/24—1/15/25
Days: online
Times: online
Location: online
Instructor: Staff
Fee: $954
CRN: 18193

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 SMT 310-41 Science & Technology (3)   Asynchronous Online

Prerequisite: Completion of lower division General Studies Science requirements
An assessment of the interrelationships of Science and Technology. Study of the development of technological advances and the scientific principles behind them.

Dates: 12/20/24—1/15/25
Days: online
Times: online
Location: online
Instructor: Rodriguez
Fee: $954
CRN: 18176

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  SOC 305-41 Methods of Sociological Research (4)   Asynchronous Online

Prerequisite: SOC 220
Examination of methods employed in the investigation of sociological phenomena. Consideration of the research process as a whole, including quantitative and qualitative techniques. Incloudes supplemental workshop.

Dates: 12/20/24—1/15/25
Days: online
Times: online
Location: online
Instructor: Wagner-Huang
Fee: $1,272
CRN: 18194

  SOC 320-41 Sociology of the Family (3)   Asynchronous Online

Study of the social processes and structural patterns affecting contemporary family life in American society.

Dates: 12/20/24—1/15/25
Days: online
Times: online
Location: online
Instructor: Pinto
Fee: $954
CRN: 18195

  SOC 362-41 Gangs & Adolescent Subcultures (3)   Asynchronous Online

Examines gang phenomena nationally and regionally. Focus on organizational, behavioral, etiolgical, and preventive factors associated with development and perpetuation. Street, motorcycles, prison, ethnic and other subcultural formations are examined.

Dates: 12/20/24—1/15/25
Days: online
Times: online
Location: online
Instructor: Skiffer
Fee: $954
CRN: 18196

  SOC 363-41 Sociology of Drugs and Alcohol (3)   Asynchronous Online

Introduction to drugs and alcohol as a contemporary social problem. Sociological analysis of drug use and abuse. Course includes systematic review of policy implications and therapeutic applications of sociology of drug use, especially chemical dependency and alcoholism.

Dates: 12/20/24—1/15/25
Days: online
Times: online
Location: online
Instructor: Shakib
Fee: $954
CRN: 18197

  SOC 365-41 Deviant Behavior (3)   Asynchronous Online

Consideration of deviant behavior. Study of the forms and processes of deviance, and the distribution of its occurrence. A systematic analysis of particular kinds of violations of normative rules as related to general processes of interaction in everyday social activities.

Dates: 12/20/24—1/15/25
Days: online
Times: online
Location: online
Instructor: McCurn
Fee: $954
CRN: 18198

  SOC 368-41 Criminology (3)   Asynchronous Online

Theories of the genesis of crime: patterns of criminal behavior; nature of criminal organizations; analysis of relationship of crime to the social structure; criminal statistics and crime rates: police and the criminal justice system.

Dates: 12/20/24—1/15/25
Days: online
Times: online
Location: online
Instructor: Aguilera
Fee: $954
CRN: 18199

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  SPA 151-41 Introduction to Hispanic Culture (3)   Asynchronous Online

A designated geographical area studies courses focusing on patterns of culture in the Spanish-speaking world. Topics will vary from semester to semester.

Dates: 12/20/24—1/15/25
Days: online
Times: online
Location: online
Instructor: Heinze-Balcazar
Fee: $954
CRN: 18177

  SPA 310-41 Romantic Love in the Western Tradition (3)   Asynchronous Online

Evaluation of the construct of love using historical, aesthetic, and social perspectives, how it defines psychological patterns, develops styles in literature, is the center of some philosophical approaches, and is linked to values and ethical definitions in contemporary movements.

Dates: 12/20/24—1/15/25
Days: online
Times: online
Location: online
Instructor: Gomez
Fee: $954
CRN: 18178

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  THE 100-41 Television, Film & Theater (3)   Asynchronous Online

Appreciation of the performing arts of television, film, and live theatre through the viewing of films and videotapes, as well as attendance at plays and musicals.

Dates: 12/20/24—1/15/25
Days: online
Times: online
Location: online
Instructor: Buckley
Fee: $954
CRN: 18158

  THE 120-41 Fundamentals of Speech (3)   Asynchronous Online

Basic oral communication skills, with practice in variety of speech-oriented situations.

Dates: 12/20/24—1/15/25
Days: online
Times: online
Location: online
Instructor: Leonard
Fee: $954
CRN: 18159

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  WMS 250-41 Introduction to Women's Studies (3)   Asynchronous Online

Introduces students to Women's Studies. Students learn about gender from a multicultural, multiracial feminist and global perspective. Emphasis is on women's history; gender, culture and nation; social institutions; sexuality, sexism and violence; and local and transnational women's movements. This course is restricted to 1st time Freshman going through the First Year Experience.

Dates: 12/20/24—1/15/25
Days: online
Times: online
Location: online
Instructor: Mendoza Diaz
Fee: $954
CRN: 18179

  WMS 310-41 The Witch in Literature (3)   Asynchronous Online

Examines representation of the witch and witchcraft in literature and culture in different historical periods and cultures.

Dates: 12/20/24—1/15/25
Days: online
Times: online
Location: online
Instructor: Smith
Fee: $954
CRN: 18180

  WMS 318-41 Race, Class and Gender (3)   Asynchronous Online

This cross-cultural, interdisciplinary course introduces students to women's issues as these interface with race and class. Students will recognize, analyze and evaluate the socio-political and economic forces that affect women's lives through a critical examination of race, class and gender.

Dates: 12/20/24—1/15/25
Days: online
Times: online
Location: online
Instructor: Villanueva
Fee: $954
CRN: 18181

  WMS 340-41 The Politics of Women's (Un)Paid Labor (3)   Asynchronous Online

Focuses on women's labor participation in the family and society. Topics include women in professional and domestic labor markets, the politics of mothering and maternal labor, sex work, family policies, labor rights, wage gaps, and invisible work.

Dates: 12/20/24—1/15/25
Days: online
Times: online
Location: online
Instructor: Singh
Fee: $954
CRN: 18182

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Schedule subject to change at any time | Last updated: 10/14/24