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Students should contact for General Education advising and seek major advising at their department. Please see Academic Program Major Advising Information for program locations and phone numbers.
Unclassified post-baccalaureate students are those who possess a bachelor’s degree, but are not currently admitted to a graduate, certificate or credential program. Contact the Graduate Studies Office, phone (310) 243-3693, for subject and degree advice. Contact academic departments for course and major advisement. Please see Academic Program Major Advising Information for program locations and program phone numbers. We strongly recommend all unclassified post-baccalaureate students move towards entry into an academic program.
Students should contact the Division of Teacher Education, COE 1401. Phone (310) 243-3496 for advisement.
Students should contact the appropriate program/office for advisement. Please see Academic Program Major Advising Information for program locations and phone numbers.
Graduate Students are those who have been accepted into a master’s degree program. Contact the specific academic department for advisement. M.A. and M.S. Interdisciplinary Studies (Special Major students) should contact the Graduate Studies Office, phone (310) 243-3308.
Graduate students who need to maintain continuous attendance and who are not enrolled in any regular courses should enroll in the one-unit 600 course offered by their department. Contact the program coordinator if there are any questions. Students in the HUX and MSQA programs enroll in the 600 course offered by Special Sessions. To enroll in this course, contact the College of Continuing and Professional Education, phone (310) 243-3741 (Option 1).
Undergraduate students are permitted a semester off which does not interrupt their "continuous attendance" status. Also, students in good academic standing may apply for a Planned Educational Leave, which does not interrupt “continuous attendance.” Students who fail to maintain “continuous attendance” must reapply to the University and will then be subject to all new university and program requirements.