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OLS Term Calendar: Three Sessions per Year
Course | Title | Description |
OLS 300.55 | Ethos Liberal Arts & Role of Work | Examines the relationship between liberal arts and sciences education and the competencies required to function effectively in social and occupational settings. Readings and assignments emphasize integration and application of skills, knowledge, perspectives, and values acquired through liberal arts and sciences. |
OLS 490.55 | Seminar in Occupational Leadership | Required of all applied studies majors. Interdisciplinary analysis of leadership in selected occupational areas. Creation and presentation of student portfolios demonstrating occupational accomplishment. Three hours of seminar per week. |
POL 335.55 | International Politics | Introduction to international relations. Students will learn theories, concepts, principles, and practices of international politics. Topics include war/peace, international political economy, and international institutions. Global issues such as terrorism, human rights, the environment, and global health will also be examined. |
PUB 315.55 | Labor Management Relations in Government | Developments in public employee unionization, collective bargaining laws and strategies, bargaining as a technical and political process, strikes and impasse machineries, employee organizations and public policy, administrative implication of public service unionism. |
MGT 312.55 | Organizational Behavior | Causes and consequences of individual and group behavior in business, organizational communications, interpersonal relations, and conflict resolution; cases and role-playing. |
COM 372.55 | Crisis Communication | An introduction to crisis communication theory and application. The course will cover crisis communication theory, crisis management strategies, and various case studies. |
THE 320.55 | Speech Skills & Techniques | Effective and persuasive oral communication in a variety of situations: formal address, group discussion interviews, chairing of meetings, and others. Of particular value for Liberal Studies majors, managers, and businesspersons. |
ENG 350.55 | Advanced Composition | Continued study of writing processes and rhetorical communication, with emphasis on literacy within and across disciplinary contexts and how to negotiate the attitudes and conventions of various discourse communities. May not be counted toward major/minor in English. Satisfies Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement (GWAR). Graded A-C/NC. |
HIS 376.55 | Film as History | The historical analysis of films as manuscripts and source materials for social and intellectual thought in the twentieth century. Emphasis to vary from semester to semester, for example: Film as History: The Great Depression; or Film as History: Latin America. |
*ENG 350 will meet the GWAR requirement, and HIS 376.55 will meet both OLS major course requirements and Upper Division Humanities.
Course | Title | Description |
ANT 346.55 | Anthropology of Work | Examination of the significance of work in contemporary societies. Cross-cultural comparisons of workers' life styles. Impact of changing cultural conditions on work patterns. |
HRM 316.55 | Labor and Industrial Relations | The Labor/Management process in private sector organizations; development of employee organizations; collective bargaining; contract administration; labor law, labor economics; role of the NLRB and the FMCS; case analysis and role-playing. |
HIS 348.55 | Labor in American Society | The role of labor in the political, economic, and social life of the U.S., including the growth of organized labor, rival ideologies, legal decisions, and contributions of various ethnic groups, from the colonial period to the present. |
COM 311.55 | Persuasion | Provides students with an in-depth understanding of persuasion conceptions, theories, and practices. Students analyze findings and implications of persuasion research to real-world cases. |
PUB 300.55 | Foundations of Public Administration | Analysis of the role of public administration within the American political system and of the concordant functions and responsibilities of public sector administrators; discussion of administrative ethics; overview of public sector administrative and managerial processes. |
PUB 401.55 | Economics for Public Service | Introduction to the economics concepts for those interested in a career in public service. This course explores the economic principles behind societal problems and offers insights into how to solve them; how markets and prices allocate scarce resources to achieve efficiency and prosperity; discuss how markets can fail, and what the public can do to intervene and solve these market failures to improve social welfare. |
Course | Title | Description |
OLS 300.55 | Ethos of the Liberal Arts and the Role of Work | Examines the relationship between liberal arts and sciences education and the competencies required to function effectively in social and occupational settings. Readings and assignments emphasize integration and application of skills, knowledge, perspectives, and values acquired through liberal arts and sciences. |
OLS 490.55 | Seminar in Occupational Leadership | Required of all applied studies majors. Interdisciplinary analysis of leadership in selected occupational areas. Creation and presentation of student portfolios demonstrating occupational accomplishment. Three hours of seminar per week. |
MGT 416.55 | Leadership | An in-depth analysis of theories and practice of leadership. Course is designed to give the student an understanding of the leadership skills, styles, and behavior in a variety of managerial roles. |
BUS 300.55 | Business Communication | Introduction to effective business communication tools and techniques. Includes all standard forms of contemporary business communication, both written and oral. Students will have weekly written and/or oral assignments with appropriate feedback. |
SOC 315.55 | Sociology of Work | Sociological analysis of work in industrial society. Examination of the labor force, industrial organization, occupational roles, and careers. Consideration of impact of technological change. |
PUB 307.55 | Public Sector Ethics | Introduction to government ethics, providing opportunities to develop ethical competence for careers in government and serves as a foundation for further study of government ethics. |
COM 365.55 | Introduction to Public Relations | Public relations practices and principles as applied to government, education and industry. |
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DO NOT PURCHASE: Materials will be provided digitally to all enrolled students through Canvas and will be billed on your myCSUDH Portal account. See faculty for more details.
No books required for this course.
DO NOT PURCHASE: Materials will be provided digitally to all enrolled students through BryteWave/ and will be billed on your myCSUDH Portal account. See faculty for more details.
No books required for this course.