Management & Supervision Certificate

This program has been updated to Managing for Success ►

Management & Supervision Certificate of Completion

NOTE: The Management and Supervision Certificate is being upgraded! Existing courses are being overhauled and new courses will be added beginning with the Spring 2023 term. Fall 2022 is the last opportunity to complete the certificate under the current format.

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CSUDH's instructor-led Management and Supervision program is conducted live online, using Zoom and the Blackboard Learning Management System. Live virtual class sessions will be conducted at the day/time indicated in the program schedule. Attendance and participation via Zoom at all class sessions is required.


SHRM recertification provider Participants will learn specific management skills and techniques required to be an effective manager or supervisor and to increase their value to their organization and/or company. The courses will expose participants to the myriad of laws and regulations directly impacting their work as supervisors, managers and agents of their employer.

California State University Dominguez Hills is recognized by SHRM to offer Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for the SHRM-CPSM or SHRM-SCPSM. This program is valid for 24 PDCs for the SHRM-CPSM or SHRM-SCPSM. For more information about certification or recertification, please visit The program also provides 24 recertification credits toward PHR (Professional in Human Resources) and SPHR (Senior Professional in Human Resources) re-certification.

What You Will Learn

Through this two course, eight-week program, students will cover major topics of importance for the success of managers and supervisors in today’s workplace. Each class session will focus on “real world” situations, developing participant skills and techniques to effectively address workplace issues and concerns.

Who Should Attend

Current leaders, supervisors, line and middle managers, as well as individuals seeking to position themselves as viable candidates for promotion into management.

Eligibility Requirements

This course is open to all students currently working in a management or supervisory capacity or individuals seeking knowledge to advance into a management or supervisory position.

Special Features

Courses are offered for Continuing Education Units (CEUs). Nationally recognized standards govern attendance requirements to earn CEU credit. A permanent record of attendance is established; students may obtain a copy of their transcripts by calling the Cashier’s Office at (310) 243-3821.

A Certificate of Completion is awarded upon the successful completion of two required courses. Classes may be taken in any order according to individual needs. The program can be completed within one semester.



Instructor Profiles

HRM Faculty

Jim Vigneau, HRM FacultyJames D. Vigneau, SPHR, SHRM-SCP
HR Consultant and Director of HR and Administration for Peppermint Ridge

Jeanie Talbot, HRM FacultyJeanie Talbot, PHR, PHRca, SHRM-CP
Principal Consultant of Talbot HR Solutions, with over 20 years of human resource consulting/training experience, including 18 years with CSUDH.

Gen Perez, HRM FacultyGenoveva "Gen" Perez
HR Director, Ace Clearwater

Linda Nespole, HRM FacultyLinda Nespole
Executive Level Human Resources Leader with more than 20 yrs of progressively responsible success.

Advisory Board Members:

  • Christine Becker, SPHR, Human Resources Generalist, Pelican Products
  • Jesse Bosque, President, Professional Solutions
  • Gary Bradley, Esq. Bradley & Gmelich
  • Corey Curties, Manager, Blockbuster Video
  • Michelle Jaure, PHR, HR Manager, Webcor
  • James D. Vigneau, SPHR, Chief Operating Officer for Balboa Horizons Services


Human Resource Professional Links

Organizations & Associations

National Human Resources Association

Society for Human Resource Management

Human Resource Consultants Association

National Association of Asian American Professionals

Northern California Human Resources Association

Professionals in Human Resources Association

Human Resources Edu

CSUDH Community

Human Resource Management at CSUDH CCPE LinkedIn Group

Digital & Print Certificate Request

A Certificate of Completion is awarded upon successful completion of the required courses.

Note: Once you have completed all the required courses, you may request your certificate via our online application. The processing time is approximately 6-8 weeks from the time of submission, and includes both a digital certificate link and a printed physical certificate.

Apply to Receive the Certificate

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MGX Certificates: Digital Badges & Credentials

Management & Supervision Certificate

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 Information & Registration

The deadline to enroll for courses for most certificate programs is FOUR (4) BUSINESS DAYS or earlier before the class begins; course schedules are updated daily. If a course in which you are interested is no longer displaying in the course schedule, please be aware that its registration deadline may have already passed, or the course may have already reached capacity. Review the schedule for alternate dates, or sign up for Program Updates to be notified of upcoming classes.



New Students

  • If you are a new to CSUDH and have never taken a course through CSUDH Continuing Education, simply select the course you want to take, click on the Cart icon to register, input your personal information, and pay for your class(es).

Current Students

  • If you are an existing CSUDH Continuing Education student who has been active in the past 6 months, you will use your regular CSUDH login information.
  • If you are an existing CSUDH Continuing Education student who has been active within the past 2 years, but who has not been active in the past 6 months, you will need to reset your password by visiting

All Other CCPE Students

  • If you are a past CSUDH Continuing Education student who has NOT been active within the past 2 years, please register for your first (returning) course as though you are new student. 
  • If you are an existing CSUDH Continuing Education student who has forgotten your username, student ID number, and/or Toromail address, please call the CCPE Registration Office at 310-243-3741 (Option 1) during Office Hours to retrieve this information.

Current Admitted CSUDH (Non-Continuing Ed) Students

  • ⚠ If you are a currently enrolled undergraduate or graduate CSUDH student who wishes to take a CSUDH Continuing Education course for the first time, please call the CCPE Registration Office at 310-243-3741 (Option 1) during Office Hours to get registered. (Please note that CCPE courses cannot be registered through MyCSUDH.)


When you're ready to register, select the " Add" button to the left of your desired course(s), and then select the " Cart" to begin the Checkout process.

If the course you want to register for has a prerequisite, after selecting "Checkout & Pay", you must Log In using your CSUDH campus credentials so that the system can verify that you have completed the required prerequisite course.

Have other questions?

  • For further instructions regarding the checkout process, visit
  • To drop a course and receive a refund, please login to, click on "Course History", and drop the course. You will receive a refund within 10 days (depending on your financial institution). If you would like to switch courses or course sections, you must first drop the course, and then enroll in your preferred course.
  • Check this program's FAQs (if provided), or simply call 310-243-2075, email, or use our LiveChat ↘ to ask questions or leave a detailed message regarding this program.